Monday, November 7, 2016

Eddie Brumfield Sr. Part 2 In His Own Words Early Years

Eddie Brumfield Sr. Early Years Part 2

Eddie Brumfield Sr. born in 1917 grew up in Pike County, Mississippi. In the Part 1 video, Eddie talks about his parents and grandparents. He discusses growing up and working on the farm. At the age of seven or eight, he attended school  which was a long walking distance from home. The school used the "white folks" old schools books.  The stories in books such as Baby Ray, Little Boy Blue ,  Lucy Locket, and Epaminondas  didn’t make sense to him at the time. He left school in the fifth grade to work to help the family.  

As a child he experienced tragedy with his second oldest brother Milton Brumfield killed at the age of 12 years old and a childhood accident of his brother Thad Brumfield. John Williams a family friend took him and his siblings hunting and fishing. He had an adventure at 17 years old going to the Mississippi Delta; arrested for loitering near a white neighborhood resulting in a short experience on the chain gang. 

The names John Downs, Joe Downs , Cal Rayborn and Uncle Gene are mentioned. 

I am excited to be able to share this  interview
In Part 2 video he talks more about his early life.

------The Tree Gardener