Silas Caston is the son of Liddie Brumfield Caston and Calvin Caston. Silas was enumerated in the 1870 and 1880 Pike County, Mississippi Federal Census along with his parents and siblings. From the 1900 Pike County, Mississippi census, Silas was born on June 1864. The 1870 Pike County, Mississippi Federal Census does not identify familial relations. Thomas's surname is enumerated as Caston on the census but his surname is actually Brumfield a son of Liddie.
"United States Census, 1870", database with images, FamilySearch ( 29 May 2021), Silas Caston, 1870. |
Household members AgeCalvin Caston 38Lydia Caston 43
Thomas Caston 17
Elvira Caston 15
Rosann Caston 14
Green Caston 10
Silas Caston 7
Jesse Caston 4
Adeline Caston 3
In the 1878 school census record, the parents and familial relationships of the children are not identified. It is inferred from the record correlated with other documents that Silas Caston attended school with his siblings in Pike County.
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"Mississippi Enumeration of Educable Children, 1850-1892; 1908-1957," database with images, FamilySearch ( 2 March 2021), Caston in the entry for Silas Caston, 1878; citing School enrollment,, Pike, Mississippi, United States, Mississippi Department of Archives & History, Jackson. |
Names Sex Age
Caston Green male 17
Caston Silas " 14
Caston Isham " 19
Caston Jesse " 12
Caston Adeline female 11
Silas is enumerated with his parents and siblings in the 1880 Pike County, Mississippi Federal Census.
1880 U.S. Census Pike County, Mississippi ED 37, SD 3, page 34 Dwelling 282 Family 284 |
Household member's Age Relationship
Calvin Caston 47Lydia Caston 50 wife
Green Caston 19 son
Silas Caston 16 son
Jesse Caston can not read son
Adeline Caston 13 daughter
Monroe Caston is 7 son
Silas 24 years old married Ruth Williams of Mississippi, on
18 Aug 1887 in Pike County, Mississippi (File #0042464 Book/Page B/300). She was the daughter of Sarah Ratliff and Joe Williams born in July 1865 in Mississippi. Silas worked as a farmer and continued to reside in Pike County and started a family. Silas' children are recorded in the 1896 Pike County school census. Note Calvin his father and Green Caston his brother's children are also on the school census.
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"Mississippi Enumeration of Educable Children, 1850-1892; 1908-1957," database with images, Caston in the entry for Silas Caston, 1896; citing School enrollment,, Pike, Mississippi, United States, Mississippi Department of Archives & History, Jackson.
Parent/Guardian Children Age Male Female
Calvin Caston Hollis 6 X
Silas Caston Fleet 12 X
Sara 9 X
Fred 8 X
Green Caston Angeline 7 X
Clarence 6 X
Silas and Ruth Caston were enumerated with their children in the 1900 Pike County Federal census. His occupation was a farmer and Ruth maintained the home and cared for the children. It is noted that it was recorded Silas could not read or write. In the census, Dora is 4 and Cora is 2 years old. The girls were actually twins. This information was obtained from Cora's granddaughter.
"United States Census, 1900," database with images, FamilySearch ( accessed 19 May 2022), Silas Caston, Beat 1 (part of), Pike, Mississippi, United States; citing enumeration district (ED) 105, sheet 9B, family 143, NARA microfilm publication T623 (Washington, D.C.: National Archives and Records Administration, 1972.); FHL microfilm 1,240,825. |
Household Date of birth Age Relationship Silas Caston Jan 1864 36 Head
Ruth Caston July 1865 34 Wife
Fleet Caston Feb 1884 16 son
Sarah Caston Jan 1886 14 daughter
Fred Caston Apr 1888 12 son
Hester Caston Feb 1890 10 daughter
Robert Caston Dec 1892 8 son
Thomas Caston Dec 1894 6 son
Dora Caston Oct 1896 4 daughter
Cora Caston Oct 1898 2 daughter
Lyda Caston Sep 1899 9/12 daughter
Silas and Ruth Caston were enumerated with their children in the 1910 Pike County Federal census. Fred (Frederick) Caston was not enumerated with his parents because he was living with his aunt Mary Ann Allen Caston along with his wife Carrie and son Harry. In the census records, Ruth (Ruthie) had 13 children but 11 were listed alive. It is reported by the family that Fleet and Robert died as children.
"United States Census, 1910", database with images, FamilySearch ( 2 February 2021), Silas Coston, 1910.
Name Age Relationship
Silas Caston 46 Head
Ruthie Caston 44 Wife
Restillier Caston 18 daughter
Rosa Caston 17 daughter
Tom Caston 15 son
Dora Caston 12 daughter
Cora Caston 12 daughter
Lidie Caston 10 daughter
Fannie Caston 7 daughter
Jesse Caston 7 son
Noah Caston 6 son
More information to come.
----- The Tree Gardener
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