Andrew and Lula Bullock are enumerated with their sons Lester, June, and Rin in the 1920 Pike County federal census.
"United States Census, 1920", database with images, FamilySearch ( 2 February 2021), Andrew Bullock, 1920. |
Andrew Bullock 1920 Federal Census Transcribed
Name Relationship Sex Race Age Married/
Andrew Bullock Head M B 59 M
Lula wife F B 44 M
Lester son M B 16 S
June son M B 14 S
Rin son M B 12 S
Looking at the 1920 Federal census the children Lester, June, and Rin were not enumerated in the 1910 census. Who are these children? They are the same children in the 1910 and 1920 census with their names recorded incorrectly. Leslie (1910) is Lester (1920), Jim (1910) is June (1920) Andrew (1910) is Rin (1920) whose given name is Leander. Leander was known as Wren by the community and family members.
Andrew and Lula were enumerated with a grandson Al C Jackson in the 1930 census. In the next census entry, son Leslie and wife Emma Magee Bullock and their children are listed.
Leslie and Emma Magee were married on December 27, 1922 in Pike County.
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Pike County, Mississippi File number 0035355 Book Y Page 187 |
1930 Pike County, Mississippi Federal census
"United States Census, 1930," database with images, FamilySearch ( : accessed 9 May 2023), Andrew Bullock, Beat 3, Pike, Mississippi, United States; citing enumeration district (ED) ED 7, sheet 5A, line 1, family 88, NARA microfilm publication T626 (Washington D.C.: National Archives and Records Administration, 2002), roll 1162; FHL microfilm 2,340,897.

Andrew Bullock 1930 Federal Census Transcribed
Name Relationship Sex Race Age Married/ Age of Single first marriage Andrew Bullock Head M Neg 69 M 19 Lula wife F Neg 51 M 16 Jackson Al C G-son M Neg 11 S
Bullock Leslie Head M Neg 26 M 18 Emma wife F Neg 30 M 22 Z M son M Neg 7 S Dudley son M Neg 6 S Georgia L. daughter F Neg 3 S Ethel daughter F Neg 1 S
The designation Neg in the 1930 census for race is for negro. The word negro is Spanish for the color black. Negro was the word to describe an American black person of African descent. The word negro identification of black people was used by famous educated black people such as Marcus Garvey, W.E.B. Du Bois, Carter G. Woodson, and Martin Luther King. In the late 1960s, the use of the word negro became obsolete.
Andrew and Lula Bullock were enumerated in the 1940 census with ages not consistent with prior information. Leslie family was listed as a widow with his children. Death Information for Emma Magee Bullock has not been identified at this time. Georgia L. and Lorena in the census are probably the same person.
"United States Census, 1940", database with images, FamilySearch (ark:/61903/1:1:VBST-DC2 : Wed Mar 15 06:40:58 UTC 2023), Entry for Lula Bullock and Ander Bullock, 1940.
Andrew Bullock 1940 Federal Census Transcribed Name Relationship Sex Race Age Married/ Single Andrew Bullock Head M Neg 69 M Lula wife F Neg 51 M
Bullock Leslie Head M Neg 26 Wd Z M son M Neg 16 S Dudley son M Neg 14 S Lorena daughter F Neg 13 S Ethel daughter F Neg 11 S Norma daughter F Neg 8 S Leslie Jr. son M Neg 6 S
C W son M Neg 4 S
More information to come.
-----The Tree Gardener |
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