The census of agriculture is collected the same year as the decennial population census. I have located Calvin Caston in the non-population 1880 agricultural census for Pike County, Mississippi. This census identifies the inventory of the farm assets land improvements.
A portion of the 1880 Federal Agriculture Census for Pike County, Mississippi Calvin Caston is first name listed
This is a small chart of some of the information for Calvin Caston property on the 1880 Agricultural census. The 2015 monetary values have been included on the chart.
Rents for Fixed Money
Acres of Land Tiled
Value of Farming Implements and Machinery
Value of Live Stock
Estimated Value of All Farm Productions for 1879
Calvin Caston
$15 (1880)
165 (1880)
400 (1880)
Calvin Caston was also taxpayer for his property in Pike County. I was able to locate a copy of the 1881 tax. On the tax form, a column to identify the individual's residence for previous year is printed but not recorded for any of the individuals listed.