Saturday, May 27, 2023


 For many, Memorial Day is considered the first day of summer a time to celebrate with family gatherings, shopping, cookouts, and vacations. It is however a solemn day. Let us now hold each other close, forgetting grudges and disappointments within our family. 

 Memorial Day was established as a United States federal holiday to honor those who made the ultimate sacrifice and died while serving in the military.  "The   National Moment of Remembrance," asks all citizens to have one minute of silence at 3 PM local time in tribute to those who died in the military.  Taps Across America will be played for the fourth year at that time.

This day is also a day I have chosen to acknowledge and remember all non-military family members who have died.  I would like to recognize family members who have died from all causes from Memorial Day 2022 to the present. We will remember the smiling faces, and life lessons learned, and celebrate their lives. I want to thank Terence Caston for allowing me to post this moving message from the Home Going of his beloved wife Constance Cross Caston. 





Harry Caston Jr.

July 9, 1936 to February 15, 2023

Sacramento, California

Son of Harry Caston Sr & Mattie Varnado

Smith Warren

December 7, 1931  to February 10, 2023

McComb, Mississippi

Son of William Warren & Mamie Caston

John Brooks Jr.

April 21, 1953 to February, 2023

Hattiesburg, Mississippi

Son of John Hunter Brooks Sr & Dorothy Ellzey

Bernice Allen Weatherspoon

April 28, 1946, to December 7, 2022

Magnolia, Mississippi

Daughter of Claude Allen & Norine Caston

Constance Cross Caston

July 31, 1963 to December 20, 2022

Kennesaw, Georgia

Johnnie W. Cross Jr. & Janet Yvonne Cross Wife of Terence Caston

Alton Brumfield

 June 20, 1944  to                December 26, 2022

Merrillville, Indiana

Son of Richard Lee Henry Brumfield & Wilmetta Maria Gowdy

Willie Toins Jr.

November 27, 1936 to December 30, 2022

Flint, Michigan

Son of Willie Toins Sr & Rovelia Lane

Willie J. Nichols

August 20, 1936 to March 7, 2023

Compton, Los Angles, California

Son of Roy Nichols & Ethel Brumfield

Ruby Lee

                                    March, 2023

Flint, Michigan

Granddaughter of Charlie Barnes and Bertha Brumfield

Anthony Tyrone Brumfield Sr.

June 17, 1959 to February 27,  2023

 New Orleans, Louisiana

Son of Slim Brumfield & Emma Barnes

Charlie Lee Barnes

February 13, 1937 to March 5, 2023

St. Charles, Missouri

Son of Charlie Barnes & Bertha Brumfield

Donald Patrick Brumfield

December 14, 1953 to December 20, 2022

Clinton, Hines, Mississippi

Son of Thad Brumfield & Mildred Hodges

Harold Smith

September 21, 1943 to October 15, 2022

Bolingbrook, Illinois

Son of  Henry Smith & Charlene Caston

Hattie Mae Brumfield

 March 11, 1941 to February 5, 2023

 Chicago, Illinois

 Salina Veals & Eddie Brumfield Sr.

Wednesday, May 17, 2023

Andrew Bullock Part 4


Andrew Bullock

Andrew and Lula Bullock continued to reside in Pike County. Andrew preceded Lula in death on February 15, 1944, after 51 years of marriage. His death announcement was in the newspaper.

Enterprise-Journal McComb, Mississippi February 22, 1944

From the birthdate February 1858 recorded in the 1900 census, Andrew was actually 86 years old at the time of his death. He was a father to 14 children and 3 step-children. He has over one thousand descendants.

Lula with her mother Ellen Brumfield is enumerated in the Pike County 1950 census. Lula's son June Bullock's family is enumerated with his family. 

"United States 1950 Census", database, FamilySearch (ark:/61903/1:1:6FMC-QZQJ : Sun Jan 29 20:07:48 UTC 2023), Entry for Bertha Lee Wanzo and Melvin Wanzo, 13 April 1950.

Lula and June Bullock 1950  Federal Census Transcribed

Name Relationship Sex Race Age married/single
never married

Bullock June Head M Neg 43 Mar
Blanche wife F Neg 42 Mar
Eugene son M Neg 19 Nev
Edgar son M Neg 17 Nev
Beatrice daughter F Neg 15 Nev
Joe Louis son M Neg 14 Nev
Billy Joyce daughter F Neg 12 Nev
Bonnie Clyde daughter F Neg 8 Nev
Audrey Yvonne daughter F Neg 6 Nev
Leander son M Neg 5 Nev
Bullock Lula Head F Neg 75 Wd
Brumfield Ellen mother F Neg 96 Wd
June Bullock and Blanche Gardener married in Pike County on March 16, 1925.

Lula Bullock more information to come...


---The Tree Gardener

Wednesday, May 10, 2023

Andrew Bullock Part 3

 Andrew and Lula Bullock are enumerated with their sons Lester, June, and Rin in the 1920 Pike County federal census. 

"United States Census, 1920", database with images, FamilySearch ( 2 February 2021), Andrew Bullock, 1920.


Andrew Bullock 1920  Federal Census Transcribed

Name                         Relationship                 Sex            Race          Age         Married/  


Andrew Bullock        Head                              M                 B          59                  M

Lula                             wife                                F                   B         44                   M

Lester                          son                                 M                 B          16                    S

June                            son                                 M                 B           14                   S

Rin                              son                                 M                  B          12                    S   


Looking at the 1920 Federal census the children  Lester, June, and Rin were not enumerated in the 1910 census.  Who are these children? They are the same children in the 1910 and 1920 census with their names recorded incorrectly.  Leslie (1910) is Lester (1920), Jim (1910) is June (1920)  Andrew (1910) is Rin (1920) whose given name is Leander. Leander was known as Wren by the community and family members.

Andrew and Lula were enumerated with a grandson Al C Jackson in the 1930 census.  In the next census entry, son Leslie and wife Emma Magee Bullock and their children are listed. 

Leslie and Emma Magee were married on December 27, 1922 in Pike County. 

Pike County, Mississippi File number 0035355 Book Y Page 187

1930 Pike County, Mississippi Federal census

"United States Census, 1930," database with images, FamilySearch   ( : accessed 9 May 2023), Andrew Bullock, Beat 3, Pike, Mississippi, United States; citing enumeration district (ED) ED 7, sheet 5A, line 1, family 88, NARA microfilm publication T626 (Washington D.C.: National Archives and Records Administration, 2002), roll 1162; FHL microfilm 2,340,897.

Andrew Bullock 1930  Federal Census Transcribed

Name                       Relationship             Sex         Race       Age      Married/     Age of

                                                                                                                    Single     first marriage

Andrew Bullock      Head                          M            Neg           69              M               19

Lula                           wife                            F              Neg           51              M               16

Jackson Al C            G-son                        M             Neg            11               S

Bullock Leslie          Head                         M             Neg            26              M              18

Emma                      wife                          F               Neg            30              M             22

Z M                             son                           M              Neg             7                S

Dudley                       son                           M              Neg             6                S

Georgia L.                 daughter                 F               Neg             3                S

Ethel                         daughter                 F               Neg              1                S

The designation Neg in the 1930 census for race is for negro. The word negro is Spanish for the color black. Negro was the word to describe an American black person of African descent. The word negro identification of black people was used by famous educated black people such as Marcus Garvey, W.E.B. Du Bois, Carter G. Woodson, and Martin Luther King. In the late 1960s, the use of the word negro became obsolete.

Andrew and Lula Bullock were enumerated in the 1940 census with ages not consistent with prior information. Leslie family was listed as a widow with his children. Death Information for Emma Magee Bullock has not been identified at this time. Georgia L. and Lorena in the census are probably the same person.

"United States Census, 1940", database with images, FamilySearch (ark:/61903/1:1:VBST-DC2 : Wed Mar 15 06:40:58 UTC 2023), Entry for Lula Bullock and Ander Bullock, 1940.

Andrew Bullock 1940  Federal Census Transcribed

Name                       Relationship             Sex         Race       Age      Married/  


Andrew Bullock      Head                          M            Neg           69              M      

Lula                           wife                            F              Neg           51              M      

Bullock Leslie          Head                         M             Neg            26             Wd              

Z M                             son                           M              Neg            16               S

Dudley                       son                           M              Neg            14                S

 Lorena                      daughter                 F               Neg             13               S

Ethel                          daughter                 F               Neg             11                S 

Norma                       daughter                 F               Neg              8                S

Leslie Jr.                   son                           M              Neg              6                S

C W                            son                           M              Neg              4                S

More information to come.

-----The Tree Gardener

Tuesday, May 2, 2023

Andrew Bullock Part 2

 Andrew Bullock was a farmer enumerated in the 1910 Pike County federal census with a different wife Lula McEwen. Death information of Vicey (Visa) Bridges Bullock has not been found at this time.   The census record indicates this is the second marriage for both of them with the designation of M2 with ten years in the present marriage. Lula had seven children with six living. The designation on the census record for race is Mu for Mulato which suggests a person of mixed Caucasian and Black ancestry or not having black skin color.

 Andrew Bullock, Beat 5, Pike, Mississippi, United States; citing enumeration district (ED) ED 110, sheet 7A, family 117, NARA microfilm publication T624 (Washington D.C.: National Archives and Records Administration, 1982), roll 755; FHL microfilm 1,374,768.

Name                         Relationship                 Sex            Race          Age         Married/  


Andrew Bullock        Head                              M                Mu          53                  M2

Lula                             wife                                F                  Mu          37                  M2

Effie                             daughter                       F                 Mu           18                     S 

Julia                             daughter                      F                  Mu           17                     S

Leslie                          son                                 M                  Mu           6                     S  

Jerry                           son                                 M                  Mu          15                     S

 Jim                             son                                 M                 Mu            5                     S 

 Andrew                     son                                 M                  Mu            2                     S

Joe Brumfield          step-son                         M                    B           16                    S

Ed Brumfield            step-son                        M                    B            13                   S

 Roberta Brumfield  step-daughter               F                    B            12                   S

 They were married for less than 10 years on the actual marriage certificate. Lula Brumfield and Andrew Bullock were married on January 12, 1901 in Pike County. From the 1910 census record and their marriage date, Lula has six living children: Leslie, Jim and Andrew Bullock, Joe, Ed and Roberta Brumfield. Andrew Bullock's child Ada Bullock enumerated with mother M A Bullock would be 32 years old in 1910. Andrew Bullock's children enumerated with Vicey Bridges Bullock ages would be in 1910 Mattie 27, John 26, Thomas 23, Monroe 21 and Samuel 20 who probably be living independently or deceased.

Lula's previous marriage was to Robert Brumfield. They married on July 11, 1893 in Pike County,

More information to come.

--- The Tree Gardener