Thomas Brumfield in the 20th Century
Thomas Brumfield May, 1853 age 47 years old and Selia Brumfield July, 1850 49 years old |
Tom, Celia and Mary Brumfield are enumerated in the Pike
County, Mississippi 1900 Federal Census. Mary who is Tom Brumfield daughter is now been married to Willis Bowens for
6 years and has 3 children Courtny 4
years, Isaac 2 years and Thomas 4 months.
Willis Bowen Oct.1861 32 years old, Mary Bowen Dec. 1877 23 years old, Courtny Dec. 1895 4 years old, Issac Mar. 1897 2 years old, and Thomas Jan. 1899 1 year old 1900 Census |
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